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Young & Wassermann LLC possesses over 15 years of experience securing and protecting its clients’ intellectual property. We represent clients from around the world, and create customized solutions for their individual needs.
Working with various clients from multi-national corporations and international institutions to small and medium businesses, with academic and research institutes and high net worth individuals, Young & Wassermann serves each of its clients with objective, practical and thorough advice, always taking into consideration clients’ goals and budget.
From registration to litigation, Young & Wassermann performs the services needed to obtain, maintain and protect intellectual property rights. On behalf of our clients, we have brought federal and state claims regarding infringement, counterfeiting, licensing, trade dress, unfair competition, dilution, false advertising, false designation of origin and rights of publicity.
Young & Wassermann is committed to advancements in Intellectual Property law throughout the world and our involvement with domestic and international intellectual property organizations allows us to provide our clients with services worldwide.
Young & Wassermann LLC is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), and the Association of the European Trade Mark Owners (MARQUES).

Our clients say:
"Efficient, quick service. Valuable advice"
"One of the strongest team to handle challenging cases"
"No matter what you encountered, they will find a working and cost-effective solution"